CASE . Stainless steel , 34mm .
BACK . Snap-on , steel .
Shows the S/N ( very thin ) and the code number of Helvetia ( in this case : 2 3199 ).
MOVEMENT . Helvetia “Cal 800”.
PUNCHING . D.I. H. only .
S/N . 6 digits . By the number of registered watches (22) , there may be two batches .
The ranges could be :
– 001XXX / 004XXX ;
– 330XXX / 356XXX :
Batches and S/Ns are purely indicative .
NOTE . This is a very controversial watch !
1. Many collectors consider it a fake . Other , more prudent , leave a certain margin to originality .
Many of the disputes come from the meaning of letter “ I “ .
A hypothesis was advanced by Ziggy Wesolowski : this watch could have been assigned to Afrikakorp’s personnel
of which two Italian Corps and three Divisions were involved .
The meaning of “ D.I. H. “ could be : Deutsche Italianische – Heer .
Obviously it’s just a hypothesis but it should be remembered that the defeat of Afrikakorp caused about 220.000 deaths , missing and prisoners
who ended up in the British prison camps .
2. Another reason for dispute is the movement : many say it is around 1950 and beyond .
That is not true .
I was able to consult a catalog of Swiss movement dated 1947( the oldest I had available )
and “ Cal 800 “ was already in production .
3. None of the registered watches is from Eastern Europe . All come from UK ( the majority) , from Germany and from Italy .
4. Here we do not mean to say that is “ original “ or “fake” . We limit ourselves to leaving the judgment to blog visitors .